Where are you? by Daniel Omolola

Questions are powerful tools to unlock mysteries and validate our curiosities. We ask questions to expand our knowledge and move from the place of ignorance to the place where our doubts can be erased. Asking questions helps us to ascertain the kind of interaction and relationship we want to have and develop with others. Asking questions also reveal our humility. We also ask questions for clarity. We ask questions to initiate conversation and dictate the direction and the flow of our conversations.

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Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Knowing the questions to ask in any situation is key. It’s been said that there are no foolish questions. Unfortunately, some people don’t ask questions because they don’t want others to think of them as fools. Accordingly, we see people who want to ask questions to humiliate others. Asking questions also reveal our level of intelligence. Asking questions reveal our vulnerability and it helps us to be adventurous at the same time. There are some things you won’t know unless you ask questions. If you want to know people’s secrets, you must be willing to ask them questions.

Asking question is an art. It can lead us to people’s deepest secrets. It can open the door of favor to you. It can help us to learn from everything and everyone around us. If you don’t want to live in assumptions, you must learn how to ask questions. Asking questions can help us connect the dots and put pieces of puzzle together.

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

We also ask questions to affirm and establish what we know. To redirect our attention to something important. if we as God’s people want to acquire knowledge and increase our understanding of the nature of things we must ask questions.

We need to understand that when (timing) we ask question is very important to what we ask and why we ask. It is also important to know how we ask and who we ask. For example we can ask the right question at a wrong time from the wrong person and for the wrong reason and in a wrong way. Asking some certain questions can also shut you off from securing people’s favor and can sometimes get you into trouble. So, we must beware.

Asking some certain questions can also shut you off from securing people’s favor and can sometimes get you into trouble

Interestingly, God was the first person to ask the first question in the history of our world. God asked His first creation Adam who was made in His image and likeness because He wants to know His whereabouts. Adam misbehaved and hid from God as a way to cover his mess. He left where God put Him. He abandoned His place of assignment. Since Adam was nowhere to be found, God asked: Adam, where are you? Let’s examine the ramifications of this question:

1. Location: God wanted to know where Adam was because he has left the place where He has originally put Him. God was looking for him where He left him. He was supposed to be in Eden to “dress and keep it” (Gen 2: 15). He was supposed to take care of His environment. In other words, his environment was his assignment; he was meant to dress and keep it. Many of us have left our duty post because we have left our position. Our ability to function effectively is rooted in our position.

Your location also determines the scope of your authority, what you are authorized to do, and the backing that you enjoy. God will only support what He commanded. Your location is also a conduit for your provision and protection. It is important to understand that your position will attract opposition. Your authority will be challenged. Remember they challenged Moses’ authority. They asked him: “who has put you as a judge over us” (Exo 2: 14).

“Your environment is your assignment. You are to dress and keep it”

Our assignment has a geographical dimension to it. You are not sent to everyone. You are not meant to be everywhere. You are not meant to be everything to everyone everywhere and every time. Some of us want to be everywhere and we end up nowhere.

Where has God placed you? Are you there? Where are you in relation to where God has put you? Where is your location? Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing where God has placed you? Where are you in connection to where you should be? Some of us have lost our place and have become wanderers on the earth. God is calling you to retrace your steps to where He has originally placed you.

Your position will attract opposition.

Don’t allow yourself to be lost in the world. Be where you ought to be. Concentrate your energy doing what God wants you to do where you are. Remember the grass will always look greener on the other side of the fence because someone there has taken up the challenge to remain where they are to keep it green. If you work in and on your garden too, there is nothing stopping your grass from becoming and remaining green.

God is calling you to retrace your steps to where He has originally placed you.

As parents, be there physically and emotionally with and for your children. As couples, God expects you to dwell with your spouse with understanding. As long as you work together with your spouse, you can build a peaceful home. As employers, be there for your employees. Let them feel the joy of your presence. As pastors, be there with and for your flocks. As a student, be present in the classroom. Wherever you are, be there.

If you work in and on your garden too, there is nothing stopping your grass from becoming and remaining green.

Are you progressing or regressing? Are you making forward movement or excuses? Are you advancing or dwelling on your regrets? Are you going forward or backward? Where are you in your career?

2. Disposition: Where are you is also a question of disposition- mental, character, and attitude. God was asking about Adam’s disposition. His orientation about life. His bearing. His true north. God’s plan was for Adam to stay connected to Him so that He can be his source and then resource Him. We saw Adam who was scared and hid himself from God’s presence. What is your disposition towards life? Deception occurs when we don’t have a firm grip on our disposition. Your disposition activates your discretion. How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as God’s responsibility or a liability? Do you see yourself as a blessing or a burden?

No matter what you’ve done wrong, there is one thing that I will encourage you to do, run to God.

How do you see God? For some reason, Adam ran away from God instead of running to Him. He ran away because He was afraid and naked. No matter what you’ve done wrong, there is one thing that I will encourage you to do, run to God. If you are on the run, you can change your mind and run back to God. His hands are opened and He is always willing to welcome you back home. He is ready to give you a new lease on life and an extreme makeover.

3. Direction: Where are you is also a question of direction. Where have you been? Where are you heading? What is your course of action? Having a sense of direction is key to your success and that of everyone around you.

Remember, Adam dragged Eve from God’s presence. There are some relationships today that are dragging people farther and further away from God. There are other relationships that are draining your energy. You need to be careful of the relationships you are keeping. It is been said that it is better to be alone than in a wrong company. Hanging around the wrong crowd can permanently change the direction and the course of your life. Life is not meant to be lived anyhow.

Having a sense of direction is key to your success and that of everyone around you.

God will show you the path of life. There’s a way to follow. Remember there is a way that seems right to a man. It is not the right way but it looks like the right way. You don’t want to get distracted from the place of destiny. Don’t lose your focus.

Life is not meant to be lived anyhow.

Your direction is directly linked to your destination. You cannot arrive at your true destination by taking the wrong routes. You will be lost if you are not taking the right road. Not everywhere leads to where you want to go. Because Adam has lost His sense of direction, He did not become everything He was capable of. Instead, he became afraid. It is my prayer that God will re-route you and re-direct your steps if you are going the wrong way.

4. Connection: This question of where are you has something to do with connection. God noticed that Adam was disconnected from Him. There was an spiritual and emotional disconnection. He wasn’t as close as he used to or ought to be. What he did put a distance between him and his creator. The relationship that was based on mutual understanding and fellowship is now based on fear. Adam cannot approach the Holy God again because of His actions.

If care is not taken, it is so easy for unimportant things to come between us and God. We can allow our job, ministry, service, relationships, and urgent issues that are not really urgent to come between us and separate us from God.

If care is not taken, it is so easy for unimportant things to come between us and God.

Although Adam heard and recognized God’s voice, he was no longer free to come boldly to His presence. He couldn’t draw closer to God. He was speaking to God from a distance. He was ashamed because He was naked. He became aware of his inadequacies. The same thing will happen to us when we are disconnected from God, we will become aware of our inadequacies and shortcomings. Instead of our shortcomings driving us to God, they will become a wedge that creates a distance between us. We must be concerned if there is something that is casting shadow over God’s goodness, faithfulness, mercy, love, kindness, compassion, and forgiveness in our heart.

If God were to ask me the same question today, my answer will be “dear God, I am in the place you have put me doing what you ask me to do to the glory of your name

How connected are you to God? How free are you with Him? What has driven or is driving a wedge between you and God? What has separated you from God? Jesus has come to deal with your sin. It is about time we drew near to God. It’s about time to answer the question, where are you? If God were to ask me the same question today, my answer will be “dear God, I am in the place you have put me doing what you ask me to do to the glory of your name. Amen!

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