When in Doubt… Pray

One of the advantages that Christians have everywhere is that they have God in their corner. That means God is available to them 24/7, yet many people are living as if they are without God in this world. Having God in your corner means that you have an advocate, someone who can speak for you, fight for you, defend you, preserve you, protect you, listen to you, keep you from falling, have your back, and watch over you.

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Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels.com

God’s word reveals that the God who watches over you does not sleep nor slumber. He is ever faithful and committed to you. The good news is that this God invites you to pray to Him no matter where you find yourself or what is going on in your life. Can you imagine the God of the universe calling and inviting you to pray?

One of the advantages that Christians have everywhere is that they have God in their corner.

Prayer is one way to establish God’s interest in the earth. So, when you feel confused, one thing you can do is pray. When it seems you can’t hold things together, pray. When you are in doubt and unsure of what to do, learn to pray. Prayer is an antidote for worry. Prayer helps you to alleviate pressure. Prayer is a protective factor against the onslaughts of the devil. Prayer is a gateway to access heavenly treasure. There is a need to pray if you don’t want to fall victim to the spirit of this age. You must pray if you don’t want to be prey.

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Prayer is a necessity for every child of God. The assurance is that when you pray in secret, God will reward you openly. You don’t have to suffer in silence when you can pray. Here is the deal, you can pray alone in your house, in the car, in the washroom, living room, boardroom, bedroom, living room, emergency room, or any room for that matter. You can also ask people to pray with you to reinforce you. You can also ask people to pray for you. Apostle Paul asked the body of believers to pray for Him. He also prayed for others. Jesus prayed for Peter. Prophet Samuel prayed for the children of Israel. James, the brother of Jesus encouraged us to pray for one another. You can pray in a group as well. You can pray in the open or in the closet. You can pray in the woods.

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Photo by Yunus Tuğ on Pexels.com

This is why you must belong to the body of believers who have your best interest at heart and who understand the place of intercession. As a member of God’s family, you are not alone. At every particular juncture, God has prepared people to pray for you. In the same vein, God has also prepared you to pray for others. Your prayer makes tremendous power possible. Amen!

You can pray everywhere and every time. You can pray in the morning, afternoon and at night. You can pray even in the middle of the night. You can pray when things are going in the right direction or not. You can pray when you feel like it or not. You can pray quietly or aloud. In fact, we are encouraged to pray without season.

Your prayer makes tremendous power possible

Prayer helps you to see things clearly. Prayer helps calm your nerves. Prayer helps you prevail over the challenges of life. We are encouraged to “fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]” (Heb 4: 16, AMPC).

what doubt does is to make us believe that there is no grace to help or that we will not find it.

WOW! When you pray, you will find grace to help in the time of need. The opposite is also true, when you don’t pray, you will not find grace to help even though it is available. What doubt does is to make us believe that there is no grace to help or that we will not find it. Doubt makes us struggle even when there is well-timed help available.

When you pray, you will find grace to help in the time of need

I pray that God will help us to develop that sense to pray when it seems that doubt wants to creep in so that we can experience the needed support and find grace to help per time.

Please share your experience with us, what you do normally do when there is a need? When in doubt do you usually pray or worry?

Do you have something you want us to pray about? Please share with us: [email protected]

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