To someone who is lost, God offers a way
To someone who is dead, God offers life
To someone who is feeling guilty, God offers mercy
To someone who is hopeless, God offers hope
To someone who is mourning, God offers comfort
To someone is helpless, God offers timely help
To someone who is confused, God offers direction
To someone who is sick, God offers balm
To someone who is frustrated, God offers purpose
To someone who is hungry, God offers bread
To someone who is thirsty, God offers drink
To someone who is disappointed, God offers a new opportunity
To someone who is under oppression, God offers freedom
To someone who is distressed, God offers rest
To someone who is weak, God offers strength
To someone who is weary, God offers refreshment
To someone who has lost everything, God wants to become your everything
To someone who is sad, God offers joy
To someone who is afraid, God offers His presence
To someone who is perplexed, God offers calmness
To someone who is disturbed, God offers peace
To someone who is restless, God offers renewal
To someone who is alone, God offers His company
To someone who is confused, God offers assurance
To someone who is rejoicing, God offers music
To someone who is celebrating, God offers songs of praise
To someone who is dancing, God offers rhythm
To someone who is like yo-yo, God offers stability
To someone who has been rejected, God offers acceptance
No matter who you are, where you are today, what you have done, Jesus has come to rescue you. You are still useful. Your life still has meaning.
Just come as you are and leave different. He will take you as you are and make you as you could be in His eyes.
it is not yet over. All hope is not lost.
Today, even right now, can be the beginning of a new thing in your life. Why wait?